Friday, October 13, 2006

If you can read this...I got the Blogger API working...finally!


And my first bit of advice is...convert your Blogger blog to Blogger Beta...

Once I found the right wall to beat my head against, it worked fine (apart from a typo, on my part).

Thanks to Vijay Bhaskar at Matrix Chronicle for that lead.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

IPv6 - Bring it on!

While looking around the net for stuff on Stirling Engines, I found this post about Combined Heat & Power (CHP) systems. CHP system are a major area of application for Stirling Engines.

The LowCarbonKid writes...

Householders would receive the benefit of selling their surplus electricity drawn in this way, but would have to accept that for some of the time their units might be remotely controlled. Naturally such a system implies the introduction of an IT network into every home.

However such networks are likely to be introduced into homes anyway in order to roll out so-called smart meters, which can be read remotely by the electricity or gas utility company. It is a small leap from this to imagine that they could actually draw power from your unit and pay you for it when they needed it. This would create a truly distributed decentralised grid.

Bring on the IPv6 Internet!

Even homes that just consume power will need the IPv6 Internet! To spread and even generation load requirement shutting down or time shifting demand at peak times.

The compressor of a Fridge does not need to run 27/7. They could be told be the power companies 'Load spreading' computer system to run before the expected daily peak demand period and the shut down during the peak period. This would save carbon and lessen the amount of capital investment required for centralized peak generation capacity.

To have the number of IP addresses this requires with a level of security needed means an IPv6 Internet! IPv4 don't cut the mustard.

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