One on the books I picked up was 'Practical Ruby for Systems Administration' by Andre Ben Hamou (Apress). ISBN-13 978-1-59059-821-4 ISBN-10 1-59059-821-0.
Chapter 2 has a cool beginners script. The first bit on work script in the text.
It's a script to build an empty script and open it in an editor.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
path = ARGV[0]
fail "specify filename to create" unless path, "w") { |f| f.puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" }
File.chmod(0755, path)
system "pico", path
pico is the text editor I use. The example code used "open".
Currently I'm up to chapter 5 and have learn a few thing about Ruby and its what and how.